Ive had good luck buying on ebay...Stick to the big sellers with lots of positive feedback ...
Checked what a appears to be a major seller for Wyndham Vacation Resorts timeshares in Myrtle. Of the 12 properties listed, this group has five of them.
Closing fees:
TS 1: $410
TS 2: $610
TS 3: $897 ($598 of the total for the Wyndham Estopal Letter and transfer fee, nice tidy fee given the $299 fee Wyndham charges. To bad you do not get to chose closing companies that are proported to be significantly cheaper)
TS 4: $519
TS 5: $519
A major problem with E-Bay, the buyer typically cannot chose the closing company so they do not get a vote in what the add on fees will be, even if they can get them significanly less by not using the agent of seller selected closing company.
Thats not a problem...its a fact. Many of the closing companies are associated with the sellers and the closing costs represent a significant part of their profits..You might as well get used to it...
If you want what they have..you have to pay...just factor it into your offer...or only deal with the outfits that pay the closing costs...Of course Your selection will be less, and you will pay more , as you will be bidding against all the folks that are influenced by "free closing"
If you know what you want and set your bid at your highest and best bid and use a sniping service you will never be disappointed. You will either get what you want for what you are willing to pay or less. Or the other guy will get it and from your perspective, pay too much