Okay . . . I want to lock-off my home resort unit and book back-to-back weeks. Marriott won't accommodate this because I own fixed time. Depositing with II is a real pain. Last time I did it took 8 months to confirm which finally happened 24 days prior to check-in leaving little time to arrange air, car, etc. Actually, II didn't really confirm my Exchange request at all. I spotted the week in open inventory on II and grabbed it. No one there has been able to explain why their system didn't work. Any ideas?
Welcome to TUG! Maui Ocean Club is a favorite property of mine, and I love to talk about it.
I also own fixed week units, and the issue that you've identified is a real problem with Marriott and II. Because we have a fixed week, we can't split the week and book two consecutive weeks like a floating week owner -- and therefore our best option is to lock-off the Studio and deposit it into II (and hope).
But II is a crapshoot and I am skeptical that you'll be able to get your trade at a decent time (just like you didn't last time). I suspect the reason you saw it online versus it matching a trade request was that you were so close to check-in that II put the desired directly into online inventory instead of running it through potential trade requests. They'd rather get the trade fee from anybody that check to see if there is an on-going trade request.
Your most predictable way to get the adjacent week is to rent it from another owner (redweek or TUG are good options). I personally have been unwilling to rely upon II for critical travel needs.
A couple of questions:
1) What week and unit do you own?
2) Did you enroll in DClub?
Another option is if you've enrolled in DClub to convert your week to points and then make the best travel arrangements possible with the points that you're given. But you'll end up with (alot) less nights/lesser view this way, but much more control.
All the best,