hope on the horizon?
I too recall ~1900 last year about this time -- but there was also a short-term drop in auctions that would end during the XMAS holidays. So it will be interesting to see how the number comes back, after the first of the year. But it does appear that the number is generally down over the past ~6 months.
The general drop in the number of auctions might also be due to:
1. The "washout" in timeshares is starting to come to
wind-down maybe? The economy does show a
flicker of some improvement; and people seem to have more disposable income, given the holiday sales figures for this year.
2. The number of timeshares taken in by the PCCs has dropped; since they might be having difficulty in disposing of them. Increased regulatory scrutiny, more resorts aware of their 'collect and foreclose' tactics, and other avenues for re-selling might be finally having an influence. [One could also hope that better/more info from TUG and other boards on disposing of timeshares, has had an affect.]
Both of these could be signs that the "Tulip-bulb Crash" is coming to an end?