And this afternoon, Los Cabos Passport sent me this email:
Starting on June 15th the state traffic light system will start to be enforced, which will tell us about the type of business that will be able to operate. This traffic light system is guided by the information provided by the state health department.
We will become a level 5 entity on the pandemic control system, this means that we are still on a critical level of infectious and contagious cases. We need to keep actively following the sanitization and health guidelines such as using masks on public spaces, hand washing often, and keeping a safe distance.
At 83 days of the first COVID-19 case in Baja California Sur, there have been a total of 833 cases. There has been an increase in medical staff and equipment to help cover the needs of our population. There are now 355 hospital beds for use exclusively for the pandemic efforts and 175 volumetric respirators in the state health system. The occupancy has been about 8% of beds and 15% of the respirators. To date, we have 45 patients from which only 19 are intubated. The infection rate is estimated at 1.07, which means that for each person with COVID-19 there is one more contagion. Being able to bring this rate lower than 1 will begin to stop this pandemic.
We are now in place 29 out of 32 on the national level for infections, 20 in lethality rate, and 31 in total deaths. 91% of the cases have defeated the disease with isolated home care.
The authorized activities that have public service on location will be able to do so with the limited occupation. In our current level 5 situation, only one client per 4 square meters will be allowed. Social events will be only allowed in certain public spaces with permits from the municipal governments with up to 30% of the maximum capacity. Hotels, lodging, and any touristic services will also be allowed to operate at 30% capacity. Recreational activities such as running and exercise in public spaces are allowed only in open spaces. For La Paz Malecon only vehicles will be allowed, there will be no access to pedestrians.