Thanks Greg. Marriott makes this very confusing. If I buy, I will be buying Vacation Club Points. How are they different from DC Points and Legacy Points? If I want To add points, can I add DC, Legacy, or do I need to purchase Vacation Club points?
Thanks for the help!
Yes it can be very confusing. I know exactly what I own and what to do with them, but it is still difficult for me to explain. I'll try. There are:
Weeks Owners who own a deeded week which they can occupy, rent, or trade with II.
Enrolled Weeks owners who own a deeded week which they can occupy, rent, trade with II or exchange for Marriott Vacation Club Destinations Points (I used all the words in the name because these are points about which you asked. Vacation club points and destination points are the same thing.), to trade through Marriott's internal exchange program. These enrolled owners' points are called legacy points around here to clarify.
Trust owners own Vacation Club/Destination Club (DC) points. This is what you would own. These allow you to book any resort, for any amount of days, checking in any day of the week based on availability.
Til now you would have to buy more DC pionts if you want to increase your porfolio. I guess, as Puck mentions in another thread, now there is a way to purchase a minimum amount of trust points along with a resale deeded week from Marriott which would be able to enroll exchange for DC points. This sounds great to me. This would make you an enrolled owner (from above) who also owns trust points, which is what I am. However I was a weeks owner first, enrolled, and bought trust points after.
Good luck in your decision. Keep reading here and asking questions. Only you will know which option, if any, is right for you. Many here would consider my purchases ill advised, but I made them as an informed consumer, and I'm very happy with them. Most who do their homework and know what they are getting into prior to purchasing will be happy, whichever route they choose.