If written proof is what is required, then I recommend that if owners attend a presentation and hear something that "sounds too good to be true"; they should ask that it be put in writing. If the sales rep refuses to do it then get up and walk out.
Yes...and read the contract word for word and page for page. If the sales team tries to explain it, just tell them to shut up and you can read. Anything you don’t like in the contract, change/cross out and initial. If they don’t like it, tell them you want meeting of the minds and will not sign anything you fully do not agree with. Any clauses you don’t like will be crossed out. My favourite clause I like to cross out is the one where it says that the resort can change terms at anytime for any reason. I change that to be EITHER party reserves the right to change any term at any time for any reason with thirty (30) days written notice. Or, no party can change the terms of this contract WITHOUT the expressed written, notarized consent of the other party. Yup, they may walk on this one but then you shouldn’t lock yourself in any contract for life.
Yes, all promises added to the contract no matter how small.
Yes, they will use the contract against you if they can. It’s their weapon of choice so turn that weapon to your advantage. If the weapon doesn’t work for them anymore, walk...with your trinket.
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