We attended the meeting at 12 yesterday. The room was packed with owners. A light lunch was served on the way in. Everyone was greeted at the door and asked to sign in. Between owners in attendance and proxies, there was no quorum so it was explained that no voting would take place.
We really enjoyed the presentation given by several of the managers. It provided a great overview of 2015 upgrades as well as a maintenance fee breakdown.
I concur. There were on the order of 100 folks in the room, more than I expected. Indeed, the management observed that they will have to find a larger venue next near, perhaps at a hotel. I suspect that will significantly reduce attendance.
The HOA meeting consisted of 3 parts:
1. Introductions of board members and individuals in management
2. A well-done and informative presentation, with slide show (this took us to the 1 hour and 25 minute point)
3. A Q&A session that started off a bit slow and then got somewhat agitated as 2 issues were brought up:
(a) Room assignments...not being able to get these assigned in advance, not being able to get premium units elite members felt entitled to, etc.
(b) Use of towels and personal articles to reserve pool lounges...despite published policy that this was prohibited. I found it rather humorous that one lady complained that she have "reserved" a spot and returned an hour later to find her articles had been removed. She did not seem to realize that she was part of the problem. A valid point was made that management could do more to make folks aware of where they could go to retrieve removed articles. Another point was made (and repeated) that management could do more to police or structure the practices that are actually going on. This discussion was heated at points, and management promised to address the issue, but without any degree of specificity.