Kauai is recovering fast - no worry!
Hi Folks,
I live on Kauai (Princeville which is North Shore) and just discovered this forum. I'm a realtor and own a vacation rental so was checking out the Timeshare Forum and saw your Hanalei flood thread. Yeah, it was bad and there's still a lot of clean up to do in Hanalei and elsewhere. But nothing that will impact tourists much now that it's over. We're still getting assessments of storm damage at various properties across the island. Poipu, Kapaa and Hanalei all have some problems but it's mainly the road damage that's getting the news coverage. Big pukas (sink holes) on the Kapaa Bypass road and Kuhio Hwy in Kilauea, plus other areas of erosion that require detours. I've talked to several condo property managers and some of them report roof leaks, a few incidents of minor ground-floor flooding, and more incidents of flooding in parking areas. Contact your property manager for details about your property. From my limited phone survey I think few if any properties sustained damage that will be a significant impact on occupancy or your vacation plans. We islanders know how to pull together, and this beautiful island is already almost 100% functional just 2 days after the deluge. We would like some weeks of sunshine though. I was starting to turn into a mushroom after 25 days of rain, rain, rain!