Just in case you'd like to contact them about the proposed increase in property tax for time-share owners. "The proposal is to increase the property tax on buildings from the current rate of $3.44 per $1,000 of value to $6.00 for $1,000 (an increase of 74%). Kauai residents are protected from the brunt of this change since their homestead exemption will increase from $48K to $300K and taxes on land value will decrease by an average of 31%".: From Time Sharing Today
Mel Rapozo, Council Vice Chair mfrapozo@kauai.gov
Tim Bynum, Councilmember tbynum@kauai.gov
Jay Furfaro, Councilmember jfurfaro@kauai.gov
Shaylene Iseri-Carvalho, Councilmember scarvalho@kauai.gov
Ronald Kouchi, Councilmember rkouchi@kauai.gov
JoAnn Yukimura, Councilmember jyukimura@kauai.gov
If they absolutely must increase property taxes on time-shares I'd like to see the increase phased in over several years rather than a whopping big 74% increase in a single year. Public hearing was scheduled on July 30th Public hearing was adjourned to mid Aug..Unknown when the Council will act.
If my property taxes are going to be increased shouldn't the Council have directly informed me and every other time-share owner on the Island?
But, I don't vote, so they don't care.
Mel Rapozo, Council Vice Chair mfrapozo@kauai.gov
Tim Bynum, Councilmember tbynum@kauai.gov
Jay Furfaro, Councilmember jfurfaro@kauai.gov
Shaylene Iseri-Carvalho, Councilmember scarvalho@kauai.gov
Ronald Kouchi, Councilmember rkouchi@kauai.gov
JoAnn Yukimura, Councilmember jyukimura@kauai.gov
If they absolutely must increase property taxes on time-shares I'd like to see the increase phased in over several years rather than a whopping big 74% increase in a single year. Public hearing was scheduled on July 30th Public hearing was adjourned to mid Aug..Unknown when the Council will act.
If my property taxes are going to be increased shouldn't the Council have directly informed me and every other time-share owner on the Island?
But, I don't vote, so they don't care.