We bought an Access Package at our owner update last October. We paid $1899 for 5 nights in a 2BR, so $400/night. We also get $100-$150 resort credit and I think 50,000 WOH points.
That sounds like the initial offer. Am I understanding you were there on an internal trade? If so, sounds like you were eligible for the initial offer which is heavily discounted. That sounds like the offer I initially went on after receiving a mailing. Then, once there on that offer, if you reject purchasing the timeshare at the sales meeting but still sound interested, you will get offered the more expensive / longer stay.
Obviously resale is better, but even if someone was planning on buying from the developer (e.g. to get a specific week not available on the resale market), still reject the offer as the Access plan also includes locking in the prices and incentives that you were offered. Also, whatever you pay in Access fees gets credited towards your purchase, as long as you purchase upon returning or before then (it is only up to 10% of the purchase price, meaning if the timeshare you purchased was $50K then they would sell it for $45K ($5K discount being 10% of $50K). But, if your timeshare was only $40K then only $4K of you access cost would be credited back. Based on what 2 bedrooms are selling for, it seems like the whole fee should be credited back in. In that case, the cost of the return visit would be only $45 ($5,045-$5,000). In other words, if you did desire to purchase, better to just return for virtually free since that money goes towards the purchase, keep your money for another 1-2 years, and avoid paying a year of maintenance fees. Plus, you get WOH points with the Access purchase and more WOH points with the timeshare purchase, versus just WOH points with the timeshare purchase if you don't reject the offer and do the Access package. The caveat is inventory is not guaranteed.
I love this resort but can't make the developer numbers work for me, given the price rentals are available for my desired date range.