I stopped ordering when they stopped delivering the catalogs. I don’t enjoy going thru a website. My mom would go thru the catalogue at her house and would call me and tell me what she picked out....I would mark up my catalog and then place the order for her. I also loved their St Johns Bay casual clothes. I’ve checked their website and they no longer carry my favorite tank tops. I would find a few styles I liked and then order in every color. They lasted for years. Just as well I can’t get them....I’m getting old lady creap arms. Crape? You know what I mean.
Absolutely correctJacques Penney has been behind the curve for a long time.
They, like Sears, failed to adapt to a changing landscape.
Target, Walmart and a few others, were more nimble.
I doubt ityes, I can't remember when I last shopped at J C Penney
but sometimes these bankruptcies are to get out of heavy debt ..... maybe the brand will continue
JCPenney is closing another 13 stores.
JCPenney is closing another 13 stores
JCPenney will close another 13 stores for good.amp-cnn-com.cdn.ampproject.org