Okay, I have my account, it's verified, and I have made my first deposit into it.
I'm wanting to set up II's equivalent to an ongoing search, and I'm trying to figure out how it works.
I see that you have to include three different resorts/dates, and I've seen the tip about doing a couple "impossible" choices if you really just have one that you want.
I see that II makes you pay the exchange fee when you request the search. Do you get that back if you cancel the search or if they can't fulfill it? Can you make changes to the search later?
I see that they will automatically confirm exchanges that are close to your search. Can you get out of that if it's an exchange that doesn't work for you? For instance, we want to be at the resort the full day of my son's birthday (a Friday), so I requested a search for checking in the Saturday or Sunday before. If they confirm Friday instead, can I cancel that and have them continue looking for Saturday or Sunday?
Is there anything else I should know about ongoing searches in II?