Here is a recent phase II, ANNUAL, silver season (weeks 35-46) floater at Harborside that, based on the listed square footage at least, appears to be a large one bedroom (worth 44,000 StarOptions) that just sold on ebay for $250.
Check out the posted annual maintenance fee ($1205.65) and closing costs ($2,700). Ouch!
Even if your friend can come to terms with spending 4000% more on a fixed week 48 EOY (worth 51,700 StarOptions EOY) in Phase I vs. an ANNUAL floating week that must be used at least a couple of weeks earlier each year, he/she should also fully investigate and understand the costs/fees associated with transferring ownership of a timeshare in the Bahamas.
Also, I just did a quick check, and week 48 appears to start on the weekend AFTER Thanksgiving each year. I would think that the more desirable "holiday week" would be week 47, which starts the weekend BEFORE Thanksgiving.
Good Luck,