Just a quick Google search reveals:
(1) Website created 12/24/11
(2) Phone number is a Voice over Internet number
Even though the address they list may be real, most, if not all scammers, are NOT at the address they list. They use an address to make themselves appear legit but are likely working from some boiler room in another state or country. The fact that they say there is no upfront fee doesn't mean anything. The scammers will spring on you a "fee" or "tax" that must be paid before they can send you your big check. Once they have that, you won't hear from them again.
These scammers are seen time and time again. Many simply close shop when the heat is on and start a "new" company. Since they contacted YOU with an offer to purchase, likely at a price that is too good to be true, this in itself is a HUGE RED FLAG. Combine that with the fact that they just popped up in this world, their website has spelling errors, they have testimonials from October when they didn't even exist, and that this CLOSING company is cold calling timeshare owners would lead me to believe that they are out to SCAM you out of your hard earned money.