My wife and I also enjoy NYC and try to get in at least once every other year, if not yearly, for a round of theater, museums, and entertainment. We should have been there a couple of weeks ago and had great seats for West Side Story and four or five other shows but obviously, that was not to be. I feel awful for all those actors whose lives came crashing down with little or no support system behind them. The best bet is to start pricing out hotels now, figure out how they trend by the time of year and when the deal can more often be found, then compare the time segments to the prevailing weather. Avoid having to take subways any distance, the system has broken down terribly so the "deals" you can find outside of the Broadway region become problematic. It wasn't always that way. Breakfasts can be found very inexpensively in most of NYC, you need to look, so don't overvalue what a kitchenette is worth. While there, get down to the Village on Monday night for "Monday Night Magic," a great show every week with top-caliber magicians and entertainers. It's generally a lot funnier than the comedy club down the street ever is. Good luck.