Speaking of Marriott ebay values here appears to be a Marriott price anyone can afford listed on this recently completed ebay auction for anyone that is to poor or wants a far better value than paying Marriott Developer Prices. It just proves what many of us have been saying all along about resale prices.
Joe, you tout how well the Marriotts hold their Develper price value as resales in many of your pass Tug BBS posts. Well here is a link to a completed ebay auction for a Marriott at Vail holiday week that sold for $1 with no closing costs or transfer costs to the buyer. This one bedroom has yearly MF's listed at

$1,119. and was put up for auction by a company that may be a postcard company. If it was indeed a postcard company it might mean that the owner had to pay them 2 to 4 yearly maintenances to dump it at a cost of about

$2,000. to $4,000.
You have endlessly touted the Marriotts as good high :rofl: :hysterical: "end " rental and resale investments on the Tug BBS many times along your "Team Marriott" signing the same choir song and your posting just yesterday timesharers like me are wrong and do not know as much as you about all around timesharing
This must be a really high end Marriott resort has this 1 bedroom maintenance fee is higher than a 2 bedroom Marriott Newport Coast by other $100.
Or is it now aged and below Marriott standards with such a high 1 bedroom maintenance fee because of age as a lot of RCI 2 bedroom Ocean Front 2 bedroom maintenance fees are almost $500 less. Please explain and stick to the issues I raised .
I am interested how your Team Marriott explains this costly investment Blunder that might have cost thie owner $12,000 to $16,000. in losses. with his Marriott Investment"I guess he wa a bit lucky and did not buy a 2 bedroom there and have even bigger resale losses
Joe, I know I am maybe asking for the impossable from you but please for a change explain and stick to the issues I raised.
Time to get back to vacationing in PV.
Regards Bruce
From a Marriott standpoint I'm not seeing many deals out there these days, at least not the ones I track. I'm kicking myself for not having enough courage to buy when the market was really low in 2009 early 2010. That is when there was some serious deals happening for high end Marriotts.
I did pick up a few HHI Marriotts for a real song but there were some Maui units I should have jumped on but there was just so much uncertainty at the time.
I remember one deal for 2 - 2 BDRM OV Mauis for under 9k each that someone offered me and I just didn't pull the trigger. Wish I had because now deals are far and few between for good Marriotts.