TUG Member
I AM ANGRY AND FRUSTRATED – any suggestions or legal advice would be greatly appreciated
What Wyndham has done to me is wrong and I am seeking legal counsel. All three of my Wyndham memberships were flagged/closed (explained below) but I was told numerous times that if I would pay to get one of them ‘current’ it would be opened and available to me. However as soon as I paid the total of $9055.19, which was essentially all the money I had, I was blindsided when Wyndham reneged and demanded an additional $33,270 to bring my other two accounts current before this one would be unflagged and available for use. On November 15, 2007 Wyndham told me that these two delinquent accounts could go into ‘deeds in lieu of foreclosure’, as I have done previously with two other retail contracts. At no time was I told that all three accounts had to be current in order to use just this one – and, indeed, this has never been the case before now.
SITUATION – I am homeless and deprived of my livelihood because of Wyndham For the last several years as a Wyndham megaowner (+14,000,000 points – mostly from PICs) I made a livelihood by renting Wyndham timeshares. Last September, (explained below) my three accounts were financially flagged and I HAVE NOT had access to my points since then.
This was a devastating blow to me because not only can I no longer earn a living but also now my home is in foreclosure with a pending possible ‘short sale’ in the next few days. I have been selling all my personal possessions in order to raise money to pay Wyndham to open one of my three accounts and was planning on living in timeshare resorts for the rest of my life. But on July 15 Wyndham closed that possibility to me and on Aug 27, at the age of 62 and with no family; I will become homeless and living out of my car. This is truly sad commentary for a once proud Wyndham owner.
MY FOUR WYNDHAM OWNERSHIPS – 14,551,000 PointsI have three member numbers with Wyndham –
#1 – 10 contracts = 350K pt. UDI and 9 PICs totaling 2,960K = 3,310K pts.
#2 – 12 contracts = 560K pt. UDI and 10 PICs totaling 2,540K = 3,100K pts.
#3 – 16 contracts = 275K pt. UDI and 14 PICs totaling 3,556K = 3,831K pts.
I used to be a partner on a fourth member number but this was lost to me because of Wyndham delays in answering my questions as to how best to dissolve this partnership and still for me to keep half the assets:
#4 – 16 contracts = 500K pt. UDI and 15 PICs totaling 3,810K = 4,310K pts.
In January of 2007 I met with four Wyndham personnel* in their Orlando, FL corporate office to discuss the problems with two of my three Wyndham memberships and to request a refund because of all the difficulties I had been experiencing with my accounts and points that were unavailable to me since 2002.
*Deanne Gabel – Senior VP, Owner Services
Jodie Davidson – Director, Owner Care
Shearon Hurst-Roach – Operations Manager, Owner Care
Elaine Havock – Owner Care Team Leader
Although I went to Orlando in January and met three additional times with Shearon Hurst-Roach and Elaine Havock before I returned home to Colorado Springs in June of 2007, no resolutions were forthcoming. During our meetings I explained to Shearon and Elaine that I would not pay the maintenance fees that were due December 31, 2006 until we reached some kind of agreement and that the fees could then be taken out of the refund that Wyndham owed me.
Every month, with no resolution in sight, my accounts were automatically flagged and every month Elaine manually unflagged them. On Sept 7 Elaine was promoted out of Owner Care into Consumer Affairs, taken off my accounts and my accounts were instantly flagged (my last reservation was made on Sept 5).
In mid September Teresa Locascio in Finance (Account Manager, Research Department) was assigned to my accounts and although she offered excellent solutions to my problems, Wyndham corporate would neither accept nor reject her recommendations. Wyndham corporate chose to ‘wait me out’ by not responding and as the months went by my savings dwindled to nothing, my hopes faded and my future became uncertain.
It was obvious in January when I missed my first mortgage payment that my home would go into foreclosure but my requests for a resolution with Wyndham continued to go unanswered. Finally on April 3 when Shearon Hurst-Roach (Operation Manager, Owner Care) again took an active interest in my account was any real ‘progress’ made and two weeks later she told me that everything Teresa Locascio had ‘promised’ me was a lie. But, if I would bring just the one account current that I was going to use, she would work with me.
On July 15, 2008 I made the last payment to bring one of my three Wyndham accounts current – total cost $9055.19. Prior to this my account was open for a few days when I paid one of the ‘original amounts’ Wyndham said I owed. But upon authorizing, yet again, ‘another final’ payment I was immediately informed in the same phone call by Mathew Elquist (Team Leader – Asset Recovery Group) that my account would be flagged until I brought my other two accounts current (and additional +$33,000). At NO TIME was this ‘condition’ ever presented to me. On the contrary there have been several times through the years that one or another of my accounts have been flagged but this action has never impacted my ‘good’ account/s. I also know other Wyndham owners who have one account flagged without putting the others in jeopardy.
Almost three weeks ago I was told by Mathew Elquist and other Wyndham personnel that an explanation of what and how Wyndham were doing to my accounts would be forthcoming shortly. To date I still have received nothing, and no replies to my emails and/or phone calls (which is typical of their passive aggressive responses as you will see if you have the patience/interest to read further). Neither can I find anything in all of my contracts to indicate that this ‘flagging of all accounts because one account is delinquent’ is a customary (let alone legal) procedure.
My two other accounts have had problems with their 24 PIC contracts since their inception (Aug, 2004 and July, 2005) that I have been trying to resolve for several years. Last fall I was told by Wyndham that I could sign a “Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure” but that my accounts had to be 120 days delinquent. On March 6, 2008 Teresa Locascio and I discussed the possibility of me adding a ‘business partner’ on to these two accounts if we could get all the PIC issues finally resolved. Although she offered an excellent solution to these problems on Nov. 15, 2007 and again on Feb. 5, 2008, Wyndham corporate would never commit to it and finally denied my request on the same day they ‘flagged’ my account – July 15. The cost to get these two worthless accounts current would be + $33,000 - and they are still riff with problems.
I have posted a “Timeline” attachment on the Wyndham’s Forum (http://forums.atozed.com/viewtopic.php?f=172&t=4647&p=11860#p11860) and although I considered including all my documentation as well, I decided against it as I am going to be engaging the services of an attorney and begin legal action against Wyndham. I am ‘interviewing’ some local real estate attorneys here in Colorado but would like to hear from anyone out there that might have some other suggestions and/or from any attorneys who are members of this website that might be willing to assist.
Thanks – Kendra
---------------------------- Original Message -----------------------------
From: kendra@kendrabowers.com
To: greg.benlin@wyndamvo.com; shearon.hurst-roach@wyndhamvo.com; deanne.gabel@wyndhamvo.com; john.hunt@wyndamvo.com; scott.richards@wyndamvo.com
Subject: Account #999-01-3549
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2008 10:33:38 -0600
Date: July 16, 2008
To: Greg Bendlin - Executive Vice President/General Counsel
Cc: Deanne Gabel - Sr. VP, Owner Satisfaction
Scott Richards - Director of Owner Care & Resolution
Shearon Hurst-Roach - Operations Manager, Owner Care & Resolution
John Hunt - Manager of Collections
From: Kendra E Bowers, Wyndham VIP Platinum Owner
Re: Unflagging of Acct #999-01-3549
Yesterday, I had a conference call with several staff members of Wyndham in regards to my following account.
Member No. 999-01-3549 - UDI Contract #42-0202236
350,000 UDI points deeded in Durango, CO
10 contracts - 3,310,000 points - 10 contracts – one UDI,
9 PIC Purchased Dec., 2002 - $25,289 (discounted from $47,599) – June 30 use year
9 PIC weeks (5 Margate Sands [508K@]/4 Ocean Reef [105K@]) = 2,960,000 PIC pts
This account is current and paid up-to-date and I am formally requesting it to be
unflagged so that I may have access to it. Below is a summary of my payments:
6/23 (posted 6/25) - $3000 – Wyndham to open account 999-01-3549 (+$2000 to be
taken out on 6/25 with balance of $2111.68 +$65 each month due in 60 days)
reference #MAE0623332 per Matthew Elquist in ARG 800/624-6238. I also owe $1950.19 past due mortgage/loan payments, but account won’t be ‘flagged’ for that.
6/25 (posted 6/26) - $2000 – Wyndham to open account 999-01-3549 (balance of
$2111.68 +$65 each month due in 60 days)
6/30 (posted 7/2) - $400 – Wyndham mortgage ($1550.19 balance due - L06261046)
7/10 - $2100 – Wyndham – balance due for maintenance fees
7/15 - $1555.19 – Wyndham to get current on mortgage/loan
After reviewing my account and all the documentation with your staff, if you should need further information from me, please do not hesitate to contact me via e-mail at Kendra@kendrabowers.com.
Thank you in advance for your immediate attention in this matter.
Kendra E Bowers
Wyndham VIP Platinum Owner
---------------------------- Original Message-----------------------------
From: kendra bowers <kendra@kendrabowers.com>
Subject: Conference Call today
To: "deanne.gabel@wyndhamvo.com" <deanne.gabel@wyndhamvo.com>, scott.richards@wyndhamvo.com, "jodie.davidson@wyndhamvo.com" <jodie.davidson@wyndhamvo.com>, "Shearon Hurst-Roach" <shearon.hurst-roach@wyndhamvo.com>, "Matthew Elquist" <matthew.elquist@wyndhamvo.com>, "Teresa Locascio" <teresa.locascio@wyndhamvo.com>
Cc: "daniel.luke@wyndhamvo.com" <daniel.luke@wyndhamvo.com>, "Barbara O'Donnell" <barbara.o'donnell@wyndhamvo.com>
Date: Tuesday, July 15, 2008, 9:47 PM
TO: Deanne Gabel, Scott Richards, Jodie Davidson, Shearon Hurst-Roach, Matthew Elquist, Teresa Locascio
FROM: Kendra E Bowers
DATE: July 15, 2008
RE: CONFERENCE CALL at noon between myself (member *999-01-3549/contract #42-0202236), Shearon Hurst-Roach (Operations Manager, Owner Care and Resolution); Matthew Elquist (ARG Team Leader –Asset Recovery Group) ; Teresa Locascio (Account Manager, Research Department); Daniel Luke (Owner Care Team Lead)
DEANNE – You know that I have been trying to get my three/four Wyndham accounts in good order for years. In January of 2007 I met with you, Jodie Davidson, Shearon Hurst-Roach and Elaine Havock in Orlando to discuss my difficulties and a refund I was requesting because of all the difficulties I had been experiencing with my accounts since 2002.
Although I remained in Orlando (except for the month of Feb. and a few other weeks) and finally returned home to Colorado Springs in June of 2007, no resolutions were forthcoming. During our meetings I explained to Elaine Havock that I wasn’t going to pay the maintenance fees until we reached some kind of agreement and that they could be taken out of what Wyndham owed me. In August Elaine was ‘promoted’ and taken off my accounts and they became ‘flagged’ because the maintenance fees were unpaid In mid September Teresa Locascio in Finance was assigned my accounts.
BACKGROUND before our Conference Call today
The first weekend after returning from Orlando I started my weekly weekend Estate Sales to dispose of all my worldly belongings (my house is going into foreclosure on Aug. 27 because of Wyndham and my flagged accounts but I may have a short sale pending – which will net me ZILCH). Well – it took me a month to sell enough to pay the +$9000 to bring my member #999-01-3549 (contract #42-0202236) solvent and ‘unflagged’ as of yesterday afternoon (but ‘flagged’, yet again, as of this afternoon). My account was briefly opened June 26-29 so that I could make 10 RCI reservations with the +268,000 points that I had in my account that were to expire on June 30. Payments were made in the following order:
6/23 (posted 6/25) - $3000 – Wyndham to open account 999-01-3549 (+$2000 to be taken out on 6/25 with balance of $2111.68 +$65 each month due in 60 days) -
reference #MAE0623332 per Matthew Elquist in ARG 800/624-6238. I also owe $1950.19 past due mortgage/loan payments, but account won’t be ‘flagged’ for that.
6/25 (posted 6/26) - $2000 – Wyndham to open account 999-01-3549 (balance of $2111.68 +$65 each month due in 60 days)
6/30 (posted 7/2) - $400 – Wyndham mortgage ($1550.19 balance due - #RNL06261046)
7/10 - $2100 – Wyndham – balance due for maintenance fees
7/15 - $1555.19 – Wyndham to get current on mortgage/loan
1 - It was my understanding that my account would be ‘unflagged’ once the maintenance fees were brought current (and indeed it was ‘unflagged’ from yesterday afternoon until this afternoon) and that I could be in arrears on the mortgage payments. Today I was told differently and I authorized Matthew Elquist to deduct the additional $1555.19 from my Wells Fargo checking account so that there would be no financial problems with this account.
What Wyndham has done to me is wrong and I am seeking legal counsel. All three of my Wyndham memberships were flagged/closed (explained below) but I was told numerous times that if I would pay to get one of them ‘current’ it would be opened and available to me. However as soon as I paid the total of $9055.19, which was essentially all the money I had, I was blindsided when Wyndham reneged and demanded an additional $33,270 to bring my other two accounts current before this one would be unflagged and available for use. On November 15, 2007 Wyndham told me that these two delinquent accounts could go into ‘deeds in lieu of foreclosure’, as I have done previously with two other retail contracts. At no time was I told that all three accounts had to be current in order to use just this one – and, indeed, this has never been the case before now.
SITUATION – I am homeless and deprived of my livelihood because of Wyndham For the last several years as a Wyndham megaowner (+14,000,000 points – mostly from PICs) I made a livelihood by renting Wyndham timeshares. Last September, (explained below) my three accounts were financially flagged and I HAVE NOT had access to my points since then.
This was a devastating blow to me because not only can I no longer earn a living but also now my home is in foreclosure with a pending possible ‘short sale’ in the next few days. I have been selling all my personal possessions in order to raise money to pay Wyndham to open one of my three accounts and was planning on living in timeshare resorts for the rest of my life. But on July 15 Wyndham closed that possibility to me and on Aug 27, at the age of 62 and with no family; I will become homeless and living out of my car. This is truly sad commentary for a once proud Wyndham owner.
MY FOUR WYNDHAM OWNERSHIPS – 14,551,000 PointsI have three member numbers with Wyndham –
#1 – 10 contracts = 350K pt. UDI and 9 PICs totaling 2,960K = 3,310K pts.
#2 – 12 contracts = 560K pt. UDI and 10 PICs totaling 2,540K = 3,100K pts.
#3 – 16 contracts = 275K pt. UDI and 14 PICs totaling 3,556K = 3,831K pts.
I used to be a partner on a fourth member number but this was lost to me because of Wyndham delays in answering my questions as to how best to dissolve this partnership and still for me to keep half the assets:
#4 – 16 contracts = 500K pt. UDI and 15 PICs totaling 3,810K = 4,310K pts.
In January of 2007 I met with four Wyndham personnel* in their Orlando, FL corporate office to discuss the problems with two of my three Wyndham memberships and to request a refund because of all the difficulties I had been experiencing with my accounts and points that were unavailable to me since 2002.
*Deanne Gabel – Senior VP, Owner Services
Jodie Davidson – Director, Owner Care
Shearon Hurst-Roach – Operations Manager, Owner Care
Elaine Havock – Owner Care Team Leader
Although I went to Orlando in January and met three additional times with Shearon Hurst-Roach and Elaine Havock before I returned home to Colorado Springs in June of 2007, no resolutions were forthcoming. During our meetings I explained to Shearon and Elaine that I would not pay the maintenance fees that were due December 31, 2006 until we reached some kind of agreement and that the fees could then be taken out of the refund that Wyndham owed me.
Every month, with no resolution in sight, my accounts were automatically flagged and every month Elaine manually unflagged them. On Sept 7 Elaine was promoted out of Owner Care into Consumer Affairs, taken off my accounts and my accounts were instantly flagged (my last reservation was made on Sept 5).
In mid September Teresa Locascio in Finance (Account Manager, Research Department) was assigned to my accounts and although she offered excellent solutions to my problems, Wyndham corporate would neither accept nor reject her recommendations. Wyndham corporate chose to ‘wait me out’ by not responding and as the months went by my savings dwindled to nothing, my hopes faded and my future became uncertain.
It was obvious in January when I missed my first mortgage payment that my home would go into foreclosure but my requests for a resolution with Wyndham continued to go unanswered. Finally on April 3 when Shearon Hurst-Roach (Operation Manager, Owner Care) again took an active interest in my account was any real ‘progress’ made and two weeks later she told me that everything Teresa Locascio had ‘promised’ me was a lie. But, if I would bring just the one account current that I was going to use, she would work with me.
On July 15, 2008 I made the last payment to bring one of my three Wyndham accounts current – total cost $9055.19. Prior to this my account was open for a few days when I paid one of the ‘original amounts’ Wyndham said I owed. But upon authorizing, yet again, ‘another final’ payment I was immediately informed in the same phone call by Mathew Elquist (Team Leader – Asset Recovery Group) that my account would be flagged until I brought my other two accounts current (and additional +$33,000). At NO TIME was this ‘condition’ ever presented to me. On the contrary there have been several times through the years that one or another of my accounts have been flagged but this action has never impacted my ‘good’ account/s. I also know other Wyndham owners who have one account flagged without putting the others in jeopardy.
Almost three weeks ago I was told by Mathew Elquist and other Wyndham personnel that an explanation of what and how Wyndham were doing to my accounts would be forthcoming shortly. To date I still have received nothing, and no replies to my emails and/or phone calls (which is typical of their passive aggressive responses as you will see if you have the patience/interest to read further). Neither can I find anything in all of my contracts to indicate that this ‘flagging of all accounts because one account is delinquent’ is a customary (let alone legal) procedure.
My two other accounts have had problems with their 24 PIC contracts since their inception (Aug, 2004 and July, 2005) that I have been trying to resolve for several years. Last fall I was told by Wyndham that I could sign a “Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure” but that my accounts had to be 120 days delinquent. On March 6, 2008 Teresa Locascio and I discussed the possibility of me adding a ‘business partner’ on to these two accounts if we could get all the PIC issues finally resolved. Although she offered an excellent solution to these problems on Nov. 15, 2007 and again on Feb. 5, 2008, Wyndham corporate would never commit to it and finally denied my request on the same day they ‘flagged’ my account – July 15. The cost to get these two worthless accounts current would be + $33,000 - and they are still riff with problems.
I have posted a “Timeline” attachment on the Wyndham’s Forum (http://forums.atozed.com/viewtopic.php?f=172&t=4647&p=11860#p11860) and although I considered including all my documentation as well, I decided against it as I am going to be engaging the services of an attorney and begin legal action against Wyndham. I am ‘interviewing’ some local real estate attorneys here in Colorado but would like to hear from anyone out there that might have some other suggestions and/or from any attorneys who are members of this website that might be willing to assist.
Thanks – Kendra
---------------------------- Original Message -----------------------------
From: kendra@kendrabowers.com
To: greg.benlin@wyndamvo.com; shearon.hurst-roach@wyndhamvo.com; deanne.gabel@wyndhamvo.com; john.hunt@wyndamvo.com; scott.richards@wyndamvo.com
Subject: Account #999-01-3549
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2008 10:33:38 -0600
Date: July 16, 2008
To: Greg Bendlin - Executive Vice President/General Counsel
Cc: Deanne Gabel - Sr. VP, Owner Satisfaction
Scott Richards - Director of Owner Care & Resolution
Shearon Hurst-Roach - Operations Manager, Owner Care & Resolution
John Hunt - Manager of Collections
From: Kendra E Bowers, Wyndham VIP Platinum Owner
Re: Unflagging of Acct #999-01-3549
Yesterday, I had a conference call with several staff members of Wyndham in regards to my following account.
Member No. 999-01-3549 - UDI Contract #42-0202236
350,000 UDI points deeded in Durango, CO
10 contracts - 3,310,000 points - 10 contracts – one UDI,
9 PIC Purchased Dec., 2002 - $25,289 (discounted from $47,599) – June 30 use year
9 PIC weeks (5 Margate Sands [508K@]/4 Ocean Reef [105K@]) = 2,960,000 PIC pts
This account is current and paid up-to-date and I am formally requesting it to be
unflagged so that I may have access to it. Below is a summary of my payments:
6/23 (posted 6/25) - $3000 – Wyndham to open account 999-01-3549 (+$2000 to be
taken out on 6/25 with balance of $2111.68 +$65 each month due in 60 days)
reference #MAE0623332 per Matthew Elquist in ARG 800/624-6238. I also owe $1950.19 past due mortgage/loan payments, but account won’t be ‘flagged’ for that.
6/25 (posted 6/26) - $2000 – Wyndham to open account 999-01-3549 (balance of
$2111.68 +$65 each month due in 60 days)
6/30 (posted 7/2) - $400 – Wyndham mortgage ($1550.19 balance due - L06261046)
7/10 - $2100 – Wyndham – balance due for maintenance fees
7/15 - $1555.19 – Wyndham to get current on mortgage/loan
After reviewing my account and all the documentation with your staff, if you should need further information from me, please do not hesitate to contact me via e-mail at Kendra@kendrabowers.com.
Thank you in advance for your immediate attention in this matter.
Kendra E Bowers
Wyndham VIP Platinum Owner
---------------------------- Original Message-----------------------------
From: kendra bowers <kendra@kendrabowers.com>
Subject: Conference Call today
To: "deanne.gabel@wyndhamvo.com" <deanne.gabel@wyndhamvo.com>, scott.richards@wyndhamvo.com, "jodie.davidson@wyndhamvo.com" <jodie.davidson@wyndhamvo.com>, "Shearon Hurst-Roach" <shearon.hurst-roach@wyndhamvo.com>, "Matthew Elquist" <matthew.elquist@wyndhamvo.com>, "Teresa Locascio" <teresa.locascio@wyndhamvo.com>
Cc: "daniel.luke@wyndhamvo.com" <daniel.luke@wyndhamvo.com>, "Barbara O'Donnell" <barbara.o'donnell@wyndhamvo.com>
Date: Tuesday, July 15, 2008, 9:47 PM
TO: Deanne Gabel, Scott Richards, Jodie Davidson, Shearon Hurst-Roach, Matthew Elquist, Teresa Locascio
FROM: Kendra E Bowers
DATE: July 15, 2008
RE: CONFERENCE CALL at noon between myself (member *999-01-3549/contract #42-0202236), Shearon Hurst-Roach (Operations Manager, Owner Care and Resolution); Matthew Elquist (ARG Team Leader –Asset Recovery Group) ; Teresa Locascio (Account Manager, Research Department); Daniel Luke (Owner Care Team Lead)
DEANNE – You know that I have been trying to get my three/four Wyndham accounts in good order for years. In January of 2007 I met with you, Jodie Davidson, Shearon Hurst-Roach and Elaine Havock in Orlando to discuss my difficulties and a refund I was requesting because of all the difficulties I had been experiencing with my accounts since 2002.
Although I remained in Orlando (except for the month of Feb. and a few other weeks) and finally returned home to Colorado Springs in June of 2007, no resolutions were forthcoming. During our meetings I explained to Elaine Havock that I wasn’t going to pay the maintenance fees until we reached some kind of agreement and that they could be taken out of what Wyndham owed me. In August Elaine was ‘promoted’ and taken off my accounts and they became ‘flagged’ because the maintenance fees were unpaid In mid September Teresa Locascio in Finance was assigned my accounts.
BACKGROUND before our Conference Call today
The first weekend after returning from Orlando I started my weekly weekend Estate Sales to dispose of all my worldly belongings (my house is going into foreclosure on Aug. 27 because of Wyndham and my flagged accounts but I may have a short sale pending – which will net me ZILCH). Well – it took me a month to sell enough to pay the +$9000 to bring my member #999-01-3549 (contract #42-0202236) solvent and ‘unflagged’ as of yesterday afternoon (but ‘flagged’, yet again, as of this afternoon). My account was briefly opened June 26-29 so that I could make 10 RCI reservations with the +268,000 points that I had in my account that were to expire on June 30. Payments were made in the following order:
6/23 (posted 6/25) - $3000 – Wyndham to open account 999-01-3549 (+$2000 to be taken out on 6/25 with balance of $2111.68 +$65 each month due in 60 days) -
reference #MAE0623332 per Matthew Elquist in ARG 800/624-6238. I also owe $1950.19 past due mortgage/loan payments, but account won’t be ‘flagged’ for that.
6/25 (posted 6/26) - $2000 – Wyndham to open account 999-01-3549 (balance of $2111.68 +$65 each month due in 60 days)
6/30 (posted 7/2) - $400 – Wyndham mortgage ($1550.19 balance due - #RNL06261046)
7/10 - $2100 – Wyndham – balance due for maintenance fees
7/15 - $1555.19 – Wyndham to get current on mortgage/loan
1 - It was my understanding that my account would be ‘unflagged’ once the maintenance fees were brought current (and indeed it was ‘unflagged’ from yesterday afternoon until this afternoon) and that I could be in arrears on the mortgage payments. Today I was told differently and I authorized Matthew Elquist to deduct the additional $1555.19 from my Wells Fargo checking account so that there would be no financial problems with this account.