Removing Carpet From Wood Floors
Unless the carpet is also glued to the wood floors, it isn't too difficult. Go to any place along the edge of the carpet and pull it up with plyers. The carpet should come right up. I take the padding out staple by staple so that the padding is protecting the floor as I work. To get the tack stips out, I use about a 3 or 4 inch long pry bar and work it along with a firm one inch putty knife. You can put cardboard under the pry bar and putty knife to protect the floor as best as you can. Sometimes if you work along the length of the tack strip and pull up on the wood, the next nail will start to work its way out. You'll get a good feel for which way works best as you work with it. As for finishing the floor, there are some good sanders with dust collectors which you can rent out. The type of finish you want to put on it is up to the taste of the individual ... ask questions from a number of places where they sell them. Good Luck ... Uncle Davey