Does anyone have updated information on how BLT sales are going in general?
I am thinking of adding a 25 pt. or 50 pt. add-on to my BCV => prior to minimum add-on being bumped to 100 points.
From what I have been able to review/research about BLT, pros are:
-- location, location, location to Magic Kingdom (approximate 10 minute mononail door to door)
-- view of Magic Kingdom and firework display (with MKV view)
-- lowest MF (I believe approx. $3.67/point) => Assuming the 1.50+ MF differential (which is significant) is maintained, for 5 or 10 years, then your "effective" price/point actually becomes closer to the current prices of BCV, Animal Kingdom, etc. ... both on resale market (especially when you consider assocatied closing costs) and direct from Disney.
-- expiry date of 2060 (vs 2042)
-- brand new hard and soft villa accomodations
-- I have heard mention of access to contemporary facilities (not sure if this is confirmed, nor how great contemporary facilities are)?
-- when DVC increases minimum add-on to 100 points => suspect the value of 25, 50, 75, etc. point add-on contracts automatically increases in value (since no more supply from Disney)
-- potentially only BLT owners will get to reserve during the Magic Season (depending upon how sales are going) => assuming Disney in the summer is important to you
-- definitely the biggest is 57% point premium for one night's accommodation (based on a studio during Magic Season on a M-F stay). Although there is the option of 17/pts/studio/magic season for standard view (which is still a 21% premium)
-- not sure if people buying early can potentially "short change" themselves if DVC decides to "sweeten" the deal at a later date (hence my reason for inquiring about how sales are doing). Question: If DVC did increase incentives, any thoughts if they would be extended to committed purchasers ... not sure if there is any precedence in this area?
My reason for only thinking about 25 or 50 points => it will give me the points that I need to stay 1 or 2 nights at BLT (visiting Magic Kingdom on those days) while at Disney => to complement my stay at BCV (which is very nice) and where I have the majority of my DVC points.
Wondering about the thoughts of others ... especially if there are some associated cons that I have not thought of?
I am thinking of adding a 25 pt. or 50 pt. add-on to my BCV => prior to minimum add-on being bumped to 100 points.
From what I have been able to review/research about BLT, pros are:
-- location, location, location to Magic Kingdom (approximate 10 minute mononail door to door)
-- view of Magic Kingdom and firework display (with MKV view)
-- lowest MF (I believe approx. $3.67/point) => Assuming the 1.50+ MF differential (which is significant) is maintained, for 5 or 10 years, then your "effective" price/point actually becomes closer to the current prices of BCV, Animal Kingdom, etc. ... both on resale market (especially when you consider assocatied closing costs) and direct from Disney.
-- expiry date of 2060 (vs 2042)
-- brand new hard and soft villa accomodations
-- I have heard mention of access to contemporary facilities (not sure if this is confirmed, nor how great contemporary facilities are)?
-- when DVC increases minimum add-on to 100 points => suspect the value of 25, 50, 75, etc. point add-on contracts automatically increases in value (since no more supply from Disney)
-- potentially only BLT owners will get to reserve during the Magic Season (depending upon how sales are going) => assuming Disney in the summer is important to you
-- definitely the biggest is 57% point premium for one night's accommodation (based on a studio during Magic Season on a M-F stay). Although there is the option of 17/pts/studio/magic season for standard view (which is still a 21% premium)
-- not sure if people buying early can potentially "short change" themselves if DVC decides to "sweeten" the deal at a later date (hence my reason for inquiring about how sales are doing). Question: If DVC did increase incentives, any thoughts if they would be extended to committed purchasers ... not sure if there is any precedence in this area?
My reason for only thinking about 25 or 50 points => it will give me the points that I need to stay 1 or 2 nights at BLT (visiting Magic Kingdom on those days) while at Disney => to complement my stay at BCV (which is very nice) and where I have the majority of my DVC points.
Wondering about the thoughts of others ... especially if there are some associated cons that I have not thought of?