Should Have Started Here
You made the best decision by starting here. I would suggest you invest some time in reading through past threads on how best to use II and it's offerings. Lots of great resources here on TUG.
If OP bought Points from Marriott to trade in II, they definitely did not start here. I would never buy Marriott points to use in II, and they are extremely expensive way to reserve Marriott.
My advice would be to buy a secondary market legacy week with low maintenance fees, ability to lock-off, and high trading power. That seems to be Platinum Marriott Canyon Villas. Always reserve a March week in a lock-off two bedroom. You can buy MCV for $7,500 - $8,000 all-in including closing costs. $8,000 spent on points will not even get you three nights mid-week during platinum season.
You can exchange into most two bedroom reservations using this week in II. You can even get a two bedroom using just the studio in gold season at one of the two bedroom only resorts like Hilton Head, Cypress Harbor or Newport Coast.
This week will have very high trading power for non-Marriott weeks in II.
Think about renting the week on TUG or and paying cash (less than you got for renting March Canyon Villas) to rent exactly what you want.