Try this to reach your resort's Board of Directors:
--> sign in to account
--> click on "Owners Association" in the "EDUCATION AND RESOURCES" drop-down menu
--> scroll to the bottom of the list in the box for the particular resort and you should see, "Contact Your Board of Directors"
--> click on the "view" link to the right of "Board of Directors List."
The page that comes up will include the names of those who serve on the board and should include a generic email address that sends your message to each board member as well as the resort's General Manager. MVC no longer publishes the personal email addresses/contact info for board members, and in my experience, the response (email or telephone) will come from the GM after s/he's consulted, if necessary, with the BOD.
If the info isn't available this way through the website, I'd first call the resort and ask the GM why not. If that didn't work, I'd be sending a written notice to MVW corporate for an explanation. It's understandable why MVW doesn't publish personal contact info for BOD members, but not at all acceptable for MVW to not give owners a reasonable method to contact those charged with individual resort matters.
Good luck!