Deros, are you looking for a legal opinion or commonsense replies? Are you looking for people who have been nailed for violating the rules before, and thus have a sense of how far you can go before you are in violation, or do you want people to give you what seems like an obvious answer. Your technical responses are giving my profession (lawyer) a bad name (is that possible? Worse than it already has?).
Look, HGVC wants 2 things - to make as much money as possible, and to have everyone enjoy themselves as much as possible. Thus, they don't want to allow 10 people to crash in a one bedroom because that would encourage everyone to do this, and they'd rent out less rooms - Less money!!!
They also want everyone to enjoy themselves - you, and your neighbors. I've been to enough of these timeshares to see that they 1) don't require ID to walk in and out of the facility, 2) they don't require you to check in to which room you're walking in to, 3) they don't do spot checks on the room to see how many people are inside of there at any particular time and 4) they don't have a lights out/curfew time.
So seriously, if you're looking beyond that one person who's actually been nailed for too many people in the room or too loud of a party (and you want to find out where, in hindsight, they should've stopped so they would not have been popped for the violation), then use your common sense. Don't be loud, don't be obvious, don't shove it in anyone's face. Just be like every other room, and don't cause anyone to have to come up to your room to follow up on a complaint.
I can assure you, if you and your mom and playing pinochle because you're such an advanced person at your office and have flexible hours, and you have a glass of wine in your hand, HGVC is not going to come by for a spot check at 2 in the morning and kick you out because you're there past 12:01 AM. But, if your mom is a crazy partier, and the job you're so advanced at is a scout for Girls Gone Wild, and you're conducting interviews with her and 11 of her closest friends in the room, then no matter how much you protest that you're not "actually spending the night," you're going to be kicked out.
Use your brains on this! And stop making my profession look so bad!