The person that discovered how how to use electrostatic properties of "blown material" to create N95 masks, has stated that blue shop towels are a very good material as an inner liner for home made face masks. The towels are created using a process that creates an electrostatic property when air passes through them. The weave of the blown material is not as tight as the liners in a N95 mask, but it is still tight enough to filter out very small particles., a sewing shop in South Los Angeles did research to create the most effective face mask that could be sewn by their out of work people. The shop raised almost 200K in a go fund me campaign to buy material and sew face masks for distribution to front line workers on LA. Their research confirmed that shop towels were very effective in creating a face mask.
This information is probably only important to individuals wanting as effective a face mask as possible to create using readily available materials. you can find more information at:
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I am not trying to promote these people and their fund raising efforts. The LA times had an article of the use of sweat shops to sew masks in Los Angeles area, This group was not specifically mentioned in the article,
I only bring this information to the forum because the research they did was very comprehensive and checked out as valid when researched further.