When they offered it to me a while back (along with slightly different offers for Orlando and Las Vegas...they told me there was one for Carlsbad, as well, but that it had already sold out), it was 6 nights at Waikoloa for $699, with a rental car for a week, and a $200 voucher for a future stay at a Hilton Hotel property. You had to book the trip within a certain number of days and you had up to a year to stay.
The Vegas and Orlando deals were for shorter duration, less expensive, with different "add on" premiums--Vegas was dinner for two and VIP show tickets, rather than a rental car--but with the same $200 voucher, and you had to use it within six months, rather than a year. There were also 5000 Hhonors points, as well, not including the 500 they gave me for listening to the pitch. You had to commit to doing a 2 hour presentation, and stay for the whole 2 hours. There were some fees for changing the reservation, and some other things.
Ultimately, I took the Vegas package, instead and they sent me an e-mail confirmation the next day telling me that if I booked by a certain date, they'd give me an extra night for free. When I called to make the reservation, they offered me the opportunity to stay either on the Strip, at Elara, or at Trump, and we picked Elara. We also upgraded from a studio to a 1BR for a small fee--I think maybe $70 for the entire stay--can't recall, for certain.
I was offered the promotion, because I called the 800 number to add my Hhonors number to a hotel reservation. I'd imagine that if you called to make or cancel a reservation, or to make some other change on your Hhonors account, they'd ask you if you'd be willing to hear about a promotional opportunity for 500 Hhonors points. So, maybe make and/or cancel a reservation by phone, and see whether they pitch it to you?