Hello everyone! I'm hoping I can get some helpful travel tips for our first trip to Germany. My daughter and I are tagging along with my husband, whose AF squadron is going to Spangdahlem November 8-23. I couldn't get on the same flight, so I'll be on my own from Colorado to Frankfurt, then to the base from there (about 2 hours away). I know the public transportation system is supposed to be EXCELLENT, but I can't find enough info on the internet to figure out a plan/route to get to the base. Now I'm looking at rental cars, but must admit I'm a bit nervous about driving in a foreign country. This is probably the best option, since I will have my 21-month-old, 1-2 suitcases, a stroller, and carry-on bags. I certainly can't schlep this around from train to bus to taxi, if that's what I would need to do to utilize public transportation. I'm also not sure what to do about our cell phones. My phone will work, as I have a World Edition Blackberry, but my husband's will not. Also - it's very expensive to use my phone out there - $1.29/minute. SO, below are my main questions, and if anyone has any other good tips about Germany, please share!
1. Are there coupon codes/discounts on rental cars in Germany? I've searched the internet and can't find anything that's valid outside of the U.S./Canada.
2. Is there a less expensive way for my husband and I to communicate via cell phone while we're there? Since we're on separate flights and he has to stay with his squadron, I would really like to be able to let him know we landed safely, then of course have a phone in case of an emergency. Throughout the week my daughter and I will be sight-seeing while he's working, so I feel like we should have phones then, too, in case he gets done early and can join us.
3. For anyone who's flown into Frankfurt: are the rental cars on site or do I have to take a shuttle? Are there luggage carts to rent I hope? I have no idea how I'm going to deal with so much luggage, a car seat, stroller and toddler. I thought about not bringing our stroller, but since we arrive at 9am (1am Colorado time), it would be better for my daughter to lay in the stroller than for me to have to carry her.
4. For anyone who's rented a car and traveled with a little one in Germany: do the cars have the latch system? Is it better to rent a car seat than bring our own? When we've traveled in the U.S. we've brought our own, as I've read/heard bad things about rental car seats, but maybe they're better in Germany?
Any other tips would be much appreciated. I like to have things planned out, but this trip is proving to be more difficult to plan.
Thank you in advance!!
1. Are there coupon codes/discounts on rental cars in Germany? I've searched the internet and can't find anything that's valid outside of the U.S./Canada.
2. Is there a less expensive way for my husband and I to communicate via cell phone while we're there? Since we're on separate flights and he has to stay with his squadron, I would really like to be able to let him know we landed safely, then of course have a phone in case of an emergency. Throughout the week my daughter and I will be sight-seeing while he's working, so I feel like we should have phones then, too, in case he gets done early and can join us.
3. For anyone who's flown into Frankfurt: are the rental cars on site or do I have to take a shuttle? Are there luggage carts to rent I hope? I have no idea how I'm going to deal with so much luggage, a car seat, stroller and toddler. I thought about not bringing our stroller, but since we arrive at 9am (1am Colorado time), it would be better for my daughter to lay in the stroller than for me to have to carry her.
4. For anyone who's rented a car and traveled with a little one in Germany: do the cars have the latch system? Is it better to rent a car seat than bring our own? When we've traveled in the U.S. we've brought our own, as I've read/heard bad things about rental car seats, but maybe they're better in Germany?
Any other tips would be much appreciated. I like to have things planned out, but this trip is proving to be more difficult to plan.
Thank you in advance!!