And you can change the name. You get this email a few weeks before.
Information for your upcoming visit to the 9/11 Memorial
Thank you for planning your visit to the National September 11 Memorial (9/11 Memorial). We are honored to welcome you to the Memorial in the coming days, and would like to provide you with details in advance of your visit. In addition to the information provided below, we encourage you to go to our website at for more helpful tips to ensure a safe and meaningful experience.
Should you have any questions, or if for any reason you are unable to make your scheduled visit, please email us at Since the 9/11 Memorial is subject to unforeseen closures, we strongly suggest you check our website at in advance of arrival or follow us on Facebook and Twitter for visitor updates.
Confirmation Number: xxxxx
Date and Time of Visit: xxxxx
Name: me
Guest Names: xxxxxx
Should you need to make a change to a name listed on your reservation, we can accommodate this request at our entry point provided the new guest has photo ID.
Delivery Method: Print at Home (preferred)