Remembering Hanalei Plantation Hotel. Revisit the days of Elvis on Kauai. Music, hula, food, and fun.
Sat February 18 at Wai'oli Hui'ia church in Hanalei.
Lua'u tickets and info. Wai'oli Hui'ia Church 808-826-6253
Looking for people to share memorabilia of that time to display on loan and persons to share talk story time of their experiences.
Tell them Sterling sent you.
Sat February 18 at Wai'oli Hui'ia church in Hanalei.
Lua'u tickets and info. Wai'oli Hui'ia Church 808-826-6253
Looking for people to share memorabilia of that time to display on loan and persons to share talk story time of their experiences.
Tell them Sterling sent you.
