I used to be diligent in making sure our personal item, our under the seat bag roller bags, each had two tops, a pair of pants or shorts depending on where we were going, a, two pair of underwear and socks and in mine a bra. Depending on where we were going I included a swimsuit and sandals. Also our toiletries, vitamins, any medicines and for me makeup and jewelry. That way if our checked bag ever got lost we would be fine thanks to the units having the washer and dryer without having to immediately run right out and shop. My husband would frequently remind me that because he needed no makeup and very few toiletries that he could fit in another t-shirt and a pair of lightweight coach's shorts or pants and be done with it for the entire vacation. So could I if I absolutely had to but unlike him I wouldn't be exceedingly happy to do just that. I've gotten lazy about taking the clothes, underwear and swimsuits. I guess the difference is that now we are retired so I wouldn't begrudge having to waste precious vacation time to go shopping if our bag got lost or delayed. Although after the last time I was shopping and came home empty handed because I didn't see anything I liked enough to buy I should give some serious thought to going back to the way I used to pack.
Knock on wood we've never had a bag lost or even delayed. Do they make you wait a few days to see if your bag turns up before they determine that it is in fact lost and compensate you?