I was there in late May, staying on DC points, and received the pre-arrival email about 3 weeks prior.
It was one of the more detailed pre-arrival emails I have seen, but for the topic of villa placement, here is what it said.
Now I am not sure if owners get a different one, and are able to select specific building, but there was no specific area on this request that enabled you to make specific villa location requests, which seems to be the trend at all resorts.
That said, in one of the text box areas, likely where you would list multiple reservations, I put in a pretty specific villa location preference request. A few days after submitting, I received an email back, listing my my villa preference requests so that I knew that they had them, but yet again, making no promises. About a few days prior to my arrival, I received a call from MFC indicating that they were able to meet 3 of my 4 preference topics....so in the end, I was very happy with the way they treated my request.