Villas at Tree Tops Timeshare in Bushkill, PA
Maintenance fees for 2012 are $673 and are current and paid in full for 2012.
Trades for 32,600 RCI Points.
There is no set week at Tree Tops. If you stay there, it is like any other points exchange. It is based on time of year and size of unit. But these points would equate to a 2 bedroom unit.
We will pay all transfer fees so there is no cost to you. I believe that Tree Tops actually handles the transfer process as well.
If interested, respond or email to CHAS35 at GSINET dot NET.
Maintenance fees for 2012 are $673 and are current and paid in full for 2012.
Trades for 32,600 RCI Points.
There is no set week at Tree Tops. If you stay there, it is like any other points exchange. It is based on time of year and size of unit. But these points would equate to a 2 bedroom unit.
We will pay all transfer fees so there is no cost to you. I believe that Tree Tops actually handles the transfer process as well.
If interested, respond or email to CHAS35 at GSINET dot NET.