So Steve, get up a little early. Mask/hat/glove up. Get to TJs as they're opening and freshly stocked and before the mob arrives. Make a targeted strike, and head home with the spoils. Maybe go alone. Unload, wipe down, then shower, change clothes. Celebrate!
A couple of weeks I had to do some field work at a client facility. I finished much earlier than anticipated, and the route back took me right past a TJs. So I decided to drive by and take a look. There wasn't any line, and I could see a guy out front disinfecting carts. Since I already had my mask and other protective gear, (e..g, safety glasses with side shields and fresh nitrile gloves), I want in.
$250 later I emerged, having restocked on all kinds of items.
It was quite a pleasant experience - so different from the last time I ventured into our local Safeway. A completely different vibe. People were being respectful and keeping distances. The store was clean. At least 80% of the people were wearing masks. It was a joy to wander the aisles.
By the time I exited a line had formed outside the door - about 20 people waiting for a turn to enter.
So this morning I did the senior citizen hour at the local TJs in Bellevue. Equally if not more pleasant. So for awhile, TJs is probably going to be our primary grocery store. So much more pleasant and convenient than doing the Safeway on-line order and curbside pick-up routine.