I just looked it up:
1) You only posted one of these weeks, one time, in 2010, on the Bargain Deals forum.
2) You didn't post the other week at all.
3) You didn't bump your one post to bring it to the top of the forum - so within a week, it was no longer visible.
4) You also didn't offer it for completely free.
No offense, but it takes more effort than that to get rid of a timeshare.
I know I've given you this advice before, but you really should give it a try before you go into foreclosure - WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO LOSE?
Please try the "TUG Method."
-You can give it away yourself for nearly no cost.
-You can control the transfer process to make sure it is truly transferred out of your name.
-You won't have to deal with companies that may or may not be Legit.
-You can transfer it to a private individual who will be happy to have it for their own use.
-You will have the satisfaction of knowing that you ended your ownership legally and ethically.
There are two places on TUG where you can give away your TS's for free (no charge for the Ads.) There are other cheap and free sites on the internet, as well.
TUG Marketplace - the only cost is your TUG membership - $15 (List it for $1 and it will automatically go in the Bargain Basement Ads.)
->Bargain Deals - Totally FREE! - just write a simple post with all the pertinent info. In your post, include the following info.:
-resort name
-unit size
-season owned
-maintenance fee
-current reservations
To make it more attractive I would:
1) Pay the 2012/13 maintenance fees and don't ask for reimbursement.
2) Pay for the title transfer (you can get a simple title transfer with no escrow or title search for about $100.) Many people have used Tugger TTT (Alan) at Time Travel Traders for this service in the past, but he is retired and is referring most business to Lisa Short for this service - 1.706.969.8906
readylegal@gmail.com Lisa has been receiving good reviews on TUG.
3) Reserve a popular holiday week in 2012/13 for the new owner
4) Consider offering a cash incentive to the new owner.
5) Once a week, add a post to the thread to bring it to the top, by adding more info. about the resort, trading, owner perks, etc.
Good luck!