They finally moved all the Bank One/FUSA credit card accounts to If you login using the old link (, you'll get redirected to and have to accept their agreements again.
In order to get the downloads to work from within quicken, you have to deactivate online services for your FUSA accounts (including UA Visa, Marriott Rewards Visa, etc) in quicken, then change the bank name to "Chase", and then reactivate online services using your old login name and password.
In Quicken for windows 2005 this is done in the overview page for each account. Click on "Change Online Services", then deactivate, change to the "General Info" tab to change the bank name to "Chase", and switch back to the "Online Services" tab to reactivate online services.
In order to get the downloads to work from within quicken, you have to deactivate online services for your FUSA accounts (including UA Visa, Marriott Rewards Visa, etc) in quicken, then change the bank name to "Chase", and then reactivate online services using your old login name and password.
In Quicken for windows 2005 this is done in the overview page for each account. Click on "Change Online Services", then deactivate, change to the "General Info" tab to change the bank name to "Chase", and switch back to the "Online Services" tab to reactivate online services.
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