I requested this report from the authors. It is interesting reading for FL owners and you can compare your resort to these averages.
Thank you. I need to vote at my resort (Palm Aire) to decide if we want to keep the reserves below the state mandated recommendations.I requested this report from the authors. It is interesting reading for FL owners and you can compare your resort to these averages.
Thank you. I need to vote at my resort (Palm Aire) to decide if we want to keep the reserves below the state mandated recommendations.
Based on this report I can see why that is needed.
Maybe I need glasses, but I don't see the same thing you do in these numbers. This report seems to indicate that reserves are too low and are being raided by boards to pay operating expenses. You should be voting to make sure this is not happening at your resort.
I think what antjmar is referring to is the proxy item this is always on the ballot every year to vote to waive the fully funding of reserves. I always vote against this every year but the waiving of fully funding always passes because the HOA recommends to vote for it.
Yes thats exactly what I was referring to.
@ Maple Leaf I should have been more clear. I am a new owner in FL I thought this was new. The letter mailed to me didnt explain much. The report helped me understand what is happening to decide how to vote. Yes I agree it appears that at many resorts the reserves are too low.![]()
Lowball reserves increase the risks for whopping Special Assessments in the years ahead.Yes I agree it appears that at many resorts the reserves are too low.
Something that always concerns me about our resort, Grande Vista, is the reserve fund balance and how that compares to the expected life of items and remaining years in that life.
Since Florida is the TS capitol of the universe, I'm thinking the state has mandatory reserve requirements that must be funded and then each individual property adds on their voluntary reserve funds.
Would be interesting to see what items the state deems "mandatory" - anyone have an idea what they are?
They have a requirement to fully fund their reserves, UNLESS, the owners vote to waive the fully funding requirement.
Something that always concerns me about our resort, Grande Vista, is the reserve fund balance and how that compares to the expected life of items and remaining years in that life... I need to ask the HOA and GM more information about this as we don't want a SA.
Ask them when they last had a reserve study done by an independent 3rd party.
I requested this report from the authors. It is interesting reading for FL owners and you can compare your resort to these averages.
Interesting points in the report. The link worked fine for me. Conclusion was that things appear to be getting better.