Well, I admit there is some of what Brian has said is true and I fully expected someone to say that. However, I think it is more than that. The quality of posts is less substantive. I never see people getting airline routing help like they used to. Certain people who used to post regularly are conspicuous by their absence. The Europe board which is cyclical is now very dead but has been that way for some time. Even the buy sell and exchange section has been very quite lately- no discussions of deed preparation etc. I suspect it would be interesting to see where the posts are made. I think the sightings board is busy and so is the lounge, but the other boards not so much. I am also convinced the questions asked are much more mundane than in the past. Finally, I will just insert this here because it is one of my pet peeves- I wish people would use the search function. Do we have to reinvent the wheel every time? Maybe I feel this way because on flyertalk you would be attacked vigorously for asking a question which could be resolved by simply doing a search. I mean I don't want to discourage questions but there is such a thing as a little diligence and a little effort on the part of the person with the question. It's questions like: "I am going to Rome. Has anyone ever been there?" I think we need to advertise the search function more because I am sure many members don't even know it exists.