I follow a bunch of indicators, checking on about a 3 month basis. Frankly, they haven't done me a helluva lot of good lately. Many indicators are showing that the stock market is high by historical standards, so they have kept me more conservative as the stock market has been bulling higher and higher. Of course, one of these days there will be a correction, and then the indicators will seem correct.
For general market indicators, I look at the Shiller PE and the "Buffet index" (total stock market cap to GDP). Both of these are saying that the stock market is high compared to historical yardsticks.
If you like sentiment indicators, there is the one noted above and also the AAII Sentiment Index (American Association of Individual Investors) and the University of Michigan consumer confidence index.
If you look at the AAII sentiment survey, it's looking somewhat neutral now, with no clear signal. I've read up some on it, and my impression is that it is really only useful at sentiment extremes (extreme bullishness or extreme bearishness).
Bottom line: I have no idea what's going to happen in the markets. Short term trading is a fool's game in my opinion, or maybe I'm just not smart enough.