The WHO has to be cautious. Does NOT mean the antibodies are worthless AT ALL. It would be rather unusual for the CV19 antibodies to not be protective as Mers/SARS and 4 other common cold Coronaviruses offer immunity for a couple years.
Does having the coronavirus make you immune? And are there accurate tests to tell us who's already recovered and who hasn't? Here's what we know.
I also find it highly highly interesting that as antibody testing ramps up they are finding way way more mild/asymptomatic cases than previously thought. Every area that has started the antibody testing is showing finding more than they thought.
Caveat though is on the test and its accuracy. And that alone is reason enough to reject "immunity" papers!!! Good grief I cannot believe this is even being considered in any way, shape, or form at ALL! What a way to turn a whole section of a country into permanent second class citizens!!! What happens to your job if you aren't immune-especially at first? Is it held for you? are you allowed out of your dwelling? Are you forcibly barred from visiting family who may not have the same immune status? Are you only allowed to mingle with your own "immunity:" level? What about if the test is proven to have given a false result -lets say positive you are immune and then found to not be? Are you then charged with possible murder or pain and suffering if found you infected others? etc. I could write a 12 page dissertation on why this is MORALLY and ETHICALLY WRONG. And I do not care a WHIT what other authoritarian countries are doing (don't believe EU will go for it either)