I have always wondered how genetics affect a person's ideal diet. When I was in college, I went on exchange to England. While I was there, I ate a vegetarian diet, not vegan because I occasionally had cheese. I did this because of financial reasons, not for health reasons. Even after 3,4, even 6 months, I craved meat EVERY DAY. It was also during the time of Mad Cow disease, before they figured out what caused it, so that helped keep me away from meat, too.
Since the first of this year, I have been doing a low carb diet. I basically eat meat, preferably low fat, and green leafy veggies. I have lost almost 30 pounds in 10 weeks. Once the sugar cravings abated after the first week, it has been easy. I have been on MANY diets, and this is by far the easiest and best for me. Diabetes runs in both my mother and father's side of the family, and I have a Germanic, muscular body type. My DH on the other had, has a naturally lean body type and he and his family tend toward high cholesterol. He has added a lot more whole grains and fresh fruit and veggies and he feels great. I have often wondered if we have each found the perfect diet for our own body types and and genetic make up. Trying to eat the same way does not seem to work for us.