Or used to be. When they were living.
Bill, you aren't going to get a lot of support on this here. When you recognize that you're in a hole, It's best to stop digging.
I'm from a family of hunters, but am not myself a hunter by any means. I've been known to slay some fish in my life, though.
This unfortunate story of the guy who shot Cecil reminds me of the hunting ranch stories in Texas about 20 years ago, where exotic animals were basically penned in by fences so that they could be cornered and executed. There was public outcry about that practice, and I know someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but I recall that Texas enacted legislation to get a grip on this despicable practice.
Responsible hunting and the deaths of Cecil and other animals killed in a similar way are not one in the same. Responsible hunting with tag regulation DOES help keep animal populations healthy, especially since civilization has severely strained natural predator populations. What made me more sick than Cecil, though, that no one is talking about, is the linked story where a facebook post celebrates a guy's killing of his SIXTH elephant. Want to shoot an elephant? I don't understand why, but okay, check that off your bucket list. But SIX OF THEM? WHY?