I would say yes. It's a private business, right?Does the board have the power to close a resort during corona if the governor opens hotels and resorts?
Yes. A private enterprise is just that and they allow or deny entry to their private property based on Terms of Service. A government cannot force a business to open.
Independent HOAs are not in the position to wave mfs. The taxes still need to be paid as are other expenses. I would also hope they are still paying the employees so when it is time to open again there is a good staff available.I agree that the resort can choose to close longer. However, if they close and the owners cannot access their time, I suppose the right thing to do is issue 2020 MFs. No service, no money.
They can just forget 2021 MF in lieu. However, my guess is they will forward credit and still bill full 2021 MF. The problem here though is that you have to double up vacation time and perhaps cannot afford to do that and let the forward expire. In which case, they still pocket the MF and you lose your time and MF.
My other guess is that 2021 MF will go up a lot under the guise that sanitation costs more, lost revenues, etc. It will be interesting to see 2021 MF posts this year describing MF invoicing.
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Independent HOAs are not in the position to wave mfs. The taxes still need to be paid as are other expenses. I would also hope they are still paying the employees so when it is time to open again there is a good staff available.
I was just talking with my other half earlier today and we both realize our weeks this year and next might be lost even though we are paying mfs. Even if they open up, changing circumstance can make them close.
Whereas no one including me likes paying money for a timeshare we cannot use, it is the risk of owning. I own a studio coop in a NYC borough and obviously I am not going there. I still have to pay my monthly maintenance fee.
They can close the resort, however, they would still owe property taxes, mortgage costs, utilities, etc.Does the board have the power to close a resort during corona if the governor opens hotels and resorts?