I was told it did, but I can't figure out how to access it. Does anyone know anymore? I'd like to add more books for our trip to Hawaii, coming up December 1.
I signed up for a free 1 month trial of Amazon prime, and have found you
can borrow 1 book free per month. Not all books are eligible, but I have found enough I'm interested in to make it worthwhile for me. (The Hunger Games Trilogy is available for free, for example). 1 free book per month plus free 2 day shipping make it a pretty good deal for me!
If you have a tv or any other device that will connect to Amazon Movies you can also download and watch many free moview with Amazon Prime.
If you do not have a device that will access Amazon Movies, but have a device that will interact with netflix you can download the PlayOn, and use that to interface with Amazon.
The free student subscription is not a full-access Amazon Prime membership. It will give you the free 2-day shipping, but will not give access to the free movies/tv shows. I don't know if it includes Kindle Library.Anyone who has, or can borrow, an email address ending with .edu can get six months of Amazon prime for free. You just have to respond to one email they'll send you. www.amazon.com/student
And anyone who hasn't done it already can get one month free.
I was told it did, but I can't figure out how to access it. Does anyone know anymore? I'd like to add more books for our trip to Hawaii, coming up December 1.
Right -- you need both a Kindle and Prime for the new Kindle Library, which gives a maximum of one book per month from a selection of about 3500 paid titles. It is in addition to the many free Kindle books available on Amazon for everyone.Kindle Lending Library comes with Amazon Prime and gives you up to one book per month. You can keep it as long as you have your Prime membership, or return it and get one more per month - looks like no rollovers. You have to access Kindle Lending Library via a Kindle device - no pc's or mobile like iPhones or iPads. Many good best sellers, but you probably will be able to get only one for your trip.
Publishers and authors should have a choice. Unlike a public library, they may not buy a copy for every one out at a given time, so the auther is losing money. Yes, it may drive sales of sequels, but the choice should belong to the owner ofthe intellectual property.Personally, I think this new Kindle Library is a good idea. I got chewed out for saying that on an authors' forum, though!