For over 20 years have owned a fixed week at NewOrleans Quarterhouse.
Don't use it, don't exchange it, Try to rent it out. It's been a waste and a nightmare. I know I can't sell it as is. I want out - but the options seem limited to say the least. Anyway now Interval International claims they are my salvation because I can pay them $3K and then still pay an annual fee to them, a fee to exchange and the timeshare annual maintenance fee however it will now have value for me to sell, rent, or even use the points to travel where i would actually like to go, when I want to go for how long I want to go. This mildly appeals to me - but I feel like I am still paying a lot of $ annually and of course upfront for the privilege of using it. Basically I want to know do I change my deeded property to allow for points to provide value? Does it really? or not? Do I look at other point systems besides Interval or is my resort tied to only one point system?
Thank you for any help and input.
Don't use it, don't exchange it, Try to rent it out. It's been a waste and a nightmare. I know I can't sell it as is. I want out - but the options seem limited to say the least. Anyway now Interval International claims they are my salvation because I can pay them $3K and then still pay an annual fee to them, a fee to exchange and the timeshare annual maintenance fee however it will now have value for me to sell, rent, or even use the points to travel where i would actually like to go, when I want to go for how long I want to go. This mildly appeals to me - but I feel like I am still paying a lot of $ annually and of course upfront for the privilege of using it. Basically I want to know do I change my deeded property to allow for points to provide value? Does it really? or not? Do I look at other point systems besides Interval or is my resort tied to only one point system?
Thank you for any help and input.