Here is a link on another forum that has info on recent right of first refusal decisions...
I just sold 2 Disney contracts.. I received $76 per point
Disney let it go through
Animal Kingdom - 160 @ $13,000. Waived today
Yes but at which resort. I'm guessing OKW, right?
I like this one. I remember how Steamboat Bill was so high on his Animal Kingdom visit and how he was talking about the great deals available for around $100 per point.
I like $81.25 per point. Given the economy and the competition from Bonnet Creek, the comeuppance of DVC could be at hand. All we need to see is a decline in the cost of renting a Disney hotel and the DVC house of cards falls and falls hard.
There are several OKW in the $60's and a Vero Beach at around $50.
It will only get worse as the RTU date becomes material to owners.
Bonnett Creek is a non-issue for people considering DVC....close, but not cigar.
I have been a DVC owner since 2000-2001 and "was" very active on the DISboards and am stiill active on and I can't recall any post ever from anyone that stated they were thinking about buying DVC, but bought Bonnet Creek instead.
I have visited Bonnet Creek (not overnight) and think it is a decent place, but don't have any idea about that timeshare company. I do understand that it is very popular....but I doubt it is any real 'competition" for DVC.
Sure real estate is taking a hit now and perhaps hotel nightly rentals will follow, but that will be a minor down blip in a long upward trend.
Does anyone remember the stock market correction of 1987, 1991, 1998, or even 2001? We dipped and then came back to new highs. The stock market is now down about 20% from the October 2007 highs. Will it keep going down? who knows, but it will bottom and come back even higher in the future...same with real estate.
I think DVC is a great timeshare product and people will continue to buy there, but if I was a non-owner, I would strongly consider renting points from a member as the price savings of buying vs renting is not that great anymore.
I have been a DVC owner since 2000-2001 and "was" very active on the DISboards and am stiill active on and I can't recall any post ever from anyone that stated they were thinking about buying DVC, but bought Bonnet Creek instead.
Yeah, but NONE of those stocks said that you had to give up your ownership in the stock on 2042 and give it back for free.
I'll bet you $1M that in 2039 that most of the current RTUs that expire in 2042 will be worthless and yet the stock market will be more than 100,000.
I don't own a 2042 RTU (OKW, BCV, BWV, HHI, VB) as I own a 2054 RTU (SSR) and I doubt I will even be alive in 2042 and no way am I making it to 2054. Thus, it is sorta is the current value and cash flow that is more important to me. Besides, how many people keep any timeshare or any other asset for 40-50 years???
Here is my thread that I had to dig up from December 15, 2006 about buying DVC
Here is the current summary for this one DVC purchase:
SSR points price = $101 - $15 discount = $86 net
Then I immediately rented the 2006 points = $76.73 net
Then I rented the 2007 points for a $7pp profit = $69.73 net
Then I rented the 2008 points for a $7pp profit = $62.73 net
I can do this until 2054 and easily clear $7pp (or I will drop to $6pp if I need to dump points fast or even get $8pp if I want to work harder). Thus, my $7pp is an average.
At this rate, my cost to buy the original DVC contract will be $0 in 9 years (2017) and I still have 37 years left.
I can then sell the contract for at least $100pp (pure profit at that time) or continue to rent.
If I continue to rent for a $7pp net profit for another 37 years = $259pp in pure profit.
Of course, I have not included the "opportunity costs" of the original $70pp purchase and that would be about $3.50pp and you can figure out if that is a factor for you or not.
Disclaimer - I am not a professional or commercial renter, but DVC does allow rentals of DVC units of about 20 rentals or so per year. I usually only rent about 4-5 DVC vacations per year and many are repeat friends (customers). Also, there are years that I never rent my points like when I want to stay in a Grand Villa, etc. Additionally, I am not advocating buying DVC to make a profit or run a DVC rental business...I am only informing people that DVC can be a great value (especially if you like to visit Disney) and there are methods to make the price lower and even free.