Who has changed their TUG name?
I changed mine (it was Tugshare02). When I registered in 2001, I was new to Bulletin Boards. I did not realize that my username would show up. I thought there would be another entry for my nickname. So when we registered this time, I picked another name. I did check however to see if anyone else had that name by searching the older boards for a post. I also have NJDave on TStips so I wanted the name to be the same.
I changed mine (it was Tugshare02). When I registered in 2001, I was new to Bulletin Boards. I did not realize that my username would show up. I thought there would be another entry for my nickname. So when we registered this time, I picked another name. I did check however to see if anyone else had that name by searching the older boards for a post. I also have NJDave on TStips so I wanted the name to be the same.