If the reserve funding is voted down are owners asking for a special assessment down the road?
Based on history with our South Carolina (where there's also a fully-funded reserves mandate in effect) Weeks, I don't think so. Barony Beach and SurfWatch have both been maintained to a high standard as well as refurbished on 5- (soft goods) and 10-year (hard goods) regular schedules. They've also had periodic improvements to the common areas funded by MVW and not the owners. We've had no Special Assessments during our ownership and the reserves appear healthy from the annual Budget Reports. When the waiver has been on our ballots it's been voted down every time - but for SC owners it's not an annual voting item like it is for Florida owners, and the SC resorts don't issue proposed budgets like the FL resorts do.
"Fully-funded Reserves" as mandated means that expected repairs and refurbishments can be done to specifications with cash on hand. MVW recommends waivers because they're able to take into account warranties and extended life on existing items, as well as things like volume pricing and stocked inventory. It isn't that MVW recommends waivers to keep owners from complaining about high MF's; what they recommend is funding reserves based on the Operating Budgets/Projections rather than the state-mandated specifications.
If an Operating Budget appears to be short-changing the reserves then of course an SA could be in the resort's future - but I don't see glaring evidence of it being a foregone conclusion at our two resorts where "fully-funded" mandates are in play. Owners at other resorts can speak to those.