TUG Member
I have been paying $102 for a 30 day supply of a needed prescription for my dog. I recently discovered that I can get the same prescription at the Costco Pharmacy near me for $45. Would you trust it?
There is so much info about how people think they are buying the correct medication but they get junk from China. Just checking to make sure.
sadly a lot of medications are now imported, and even meds made in the US have ingredients made overseas. no way to avoid that.
You might check on something like GoodRx, I use that to cut the cost of a few Rx that my insurance does not cover. Think the have an version for animals.
Target used to fill pet prescriptions too. Not sure if they do now as they are part of CVS network. Can always ask your pharmacy if they fill pet Rx and the cost. They are all looking for $$$ and profit!
GoodRx is a terrible choice for animals actually.
This particular pharmacy tracks prescibers via 1 of 2 numbers- the number assoicated with your DEA license or something called a Prescribers Identification Number.
Sadly, no. Compound medication is made fresh and specifically for your dog at the time that you order it. You can try price comparing with an online one in Arizona called Roadrunner. I used them and then a local compound pharmacy opened, so I switched to the local one. Then, the local one changed the price from $40. - $75. for the same medication, saying it was because of California making some ingredient illegal to buy on it's own and so they had to do a longer process to get the ingredient that my dog needed. At that point, I went back to Roadrunner because the ingredient was still legal in Arizona.Any ideas on how to bring down the cost of compound pharma?
Sadly, no. Compound medication is made fresh and specifically for your dog at the time that you order it. You can try price comparing with an online one in Arizona called Roadrunner. I used them and then a local compound pharmacy opened, so I switched to the local one. Then, the local one changed the price from $40. - $75. for the same medication, saying it was because of California making some ingredient illegal to buy on it's own and so they had to do a longer process to get the ingredient that my dog needed. At that point, I went back to Roadrunner because the ingredient was still legal in Arizona.