I will try to make this short. In December 05, our second computer crashed. We got the blue screen
We reinstalled Windows 2000 and the wireless PC adapter. For some reason, we kept getting a lot of error messages. I then took it in to our computer guy, and he basically did the same thing, but he was able to reformat and fix the error messages. I tested everything in his shop and it worked fine. Last week, I lost my LAN connection again. I have tried unplugging the router (linksy) and modem (D-link) and rebooting, but I cannot get the internet. I have checked my PC card, and it shows that "device is working properly". I called my computer guy, and he said it would probably cost $100- 200 to fix it if it is a networking problem. My first computer is hardwired to a cable connection in the wall (Comcast) and is working fine. My second computer is across the hall around a corner in another room. Do you think that my PC card is not picking up the signal? I purchased my router back in 2004. I now see from the Bestbuy ads, that my router is considered the basic brand (Wireless -G model WRT54G. Any idea on what I should do? Should I have Comcast hardwire the second computer, should I try upgrading my router, or have a techie do a housecall? The computer guy also said that it would be hard to try and figure out the problem on the phone. He said it could be anything from a neighbors garage door opener or a 2.4gHz phone that is causing interference. I am stumped. Thanks.