I seem to have read somewhere tht RHC does not allow combining more than 3 membership. Can anyone confirm this? Or has anyone combined more than 3? I bought two and I am looking at another two and wonder if it is doable.
MaryH said:Sorry have missed this before.
I bought 2 more 15K contracts in Oct from Holiday Group on the no closing fee basis of one in process and unsure if I need to pay multiple resort transfer fee or just 1 but would have been okay paying one transfer fee for each contract. I was assured by the RCH agent that I was able to combine / unify my contracts so bit the bullet and done it to go past my target of 60k to 90K.
It turned out it is transfer fee for each contract (be careful of this since the $350 makes it not very cost effective) but the reunification was held up since a previous transfer of my 2nd contract from Aug/Sept got lost and was not finished despite many assurances it was in progress. They finally found the missing document a couple of days later in the beginning of Dec after I almost blew a gasket but the unification could not go ahead until the transfer is complete. When that is started end of Dec/early Jan, I was hoping that it would complete by end of Jan but was informed end of Jan by the rep I was dealing with that the management had put unification of more than 3 contacts on hold since Nov / Dec and has now passed a rule not to reunify more than than unless you buy 5K points from them. Since it has been agreed to before but held up, he tried to contact management regarding my case but apparently no response at all. Thus I was forced to combine 3 contracts and hope I can repeat the process when that is done or I will be selling some contracts..