I prefer warm, not really hot, weather. Living in the Great White North (Central Ontario) we have already had 2 months of snow on the ground and frigid temperatures. I have had enough! After we retired we decided to get out of the cold and snow for at least 3 winter months, but before that we always went somewhere south (FL or the Caribbean) for at least a week in the winter. DH decided after our first winter of retirement that St Augustine Florida (where our condo is) wasn't hot enough in January, he likes to be in shorts, a t-shirt and sandals all day, every day. So beginning in January 2016 we have been going to Belize for the winter. The temperatures are usually too hot for me (+90*F) by March down there but I just keep thinking of the cold and snow at home. I would be happy with temps in the 70's F. during the daytime.