12-8 Mos. out - The earliest you can reserve your home resort is 12 mos. out by date. So let's say that you want to reserve Saturday, Jan. 5th, 2013 - You would call on Jan. 5th, 2012, to make the Resv. At most resorts, the check-in dates are Fri.-Sat.-Sun. only.
8 Mos. out - The earliest you can make a Staroption exchange for at least a week, for a Fri.-Sat.-Sun. check-in or check-out, is 8 mos. out from arrival. So right now, you can request any date in 2013, that occurs during the next 8 mos. (before Sept. 2.)
90 days out - At 90 days out, you can request any day of the week - with a Staroption exchange. Of course, by that time, the resort may be completely booked up.